drogi ewakuacyjne
drogi ewakuacyjne

Marking of exit routes and evacuation maps

Properly executed evacuation maps and exit route markings help to avoid panic in the event of an evacuation.

Facility marking, designating fire department access routes and fire assembly points make the job of rescue services much easier. Appropriate marking of circulation routes and internal roads used by vehicles, as well as the marking of hazardous locations, result in a significant reduction in the risk of accidents and, consequently, in a reduction of costs associated with the potential sickness absence of employees.

Elmetal provides comprehensive services linked to designating and marking evacuation routes, fire safety signage, as well as that of hazardous substances and locations:

  1. The company prepares evacuation maps of production and storage facilities for public utility buildings classified in the ZL hazard to human category, and for livestock buildings,
  2. We update and adapt the existing evacuation maps to the legal requirements in force,
  3. Our services include the designation and marking of:
    • internal fire department access routes, evacuation and circulation routes, hazardous locations or locations important for safety reasons,
    • storage locations of portable fire-fighting equipment, adapting the quantity and type of portable fire-fighting equipment to legal requirements,
    • hazardous area zones for gases, vapours, liquids, suspended particulate matter, powders and fibres,
    • storage locations of first-aid kits, defibrillators and medical points.

Each project we undertake is guaranteed our individual approach. We begin every project with a risk analysis which allows us to identify numerous safety-enhancing solutions.

A specialist team is tasked with planning, preparing of documentation, as well as the design and selection of necessary measures. Our experts have the required qualifications and experience in the field of fire safety and OHS. We guarantee that the solutions applied will be adapted to the individual needs of your company and the current legal standards.
